
How to create a garden path

Spring has certainly sprung in Brisbane and the warmer weather has inspired many of us to start daydreaming about long summer days spent outdoors, enjoying our gardens. Because of this we’ve had many clients popping in to Rock ‘n’ Soil to ask how they might be able to spruce up their outdoor spaces, like their patio areas and gardens. And one thing that always comes up in those chats, is how to create a garden path. Regardless of the size of your yard, a garden path can take you on a journey. Past the flowers the kids planted, around the veggie patch or to the fire pit. It can even be as simple as getting you to the letterbox or encouraging your rough and tumble dog to keep off the grass! Creating a garden path doesn’t have to be difficult. As your local landscaping experts we can show you how to create a garden path that will impress visitors and get you where you want to go. zigzag-garden-path

Your step-by-step guide for how to create a garden path

Step 1: Decide the direction

Location, location, location. Your first task when navigating how to create a garden path is choosing where exactly to lay your walkway. Where will it start? Are there any garden features you’d like to highlight? And where will it end? Will it run straight or have some meandering curves? The space you have available, your personal preference and the cost of materials will all play a role in determining the width and length of your pathway. garden-pathways

Step 2: Select your materials

Next, comes one of your toughest decisions. What will your path be made from? You could opt for a classic pebbled path, bringing texture and interest to the landscape. Choose from natural-looking options like speckled or charcoal lava, or polished pebbles in jade, red, black, white or mixed colours. If you prefer the look of paving stones, stick with options that are slip resistant, durable and easy to maintain. A pathway is likely to cop a lot of foot traffic, so you want it to last. Our range varies from from natural cobblestone, striking basalt and gorgeous sandstone. You could also use slip-resistant Euro classic pavers, durable turfstone or these very quirky footprint pavers. Concrete pavers are also very popular for their durability. Location may play a role in material choice too. A full-sun position sometimes calls for lighter-coloured, natural stones that reflect the light, as opposed to darker pavers that can get hot. You can also make a smaller space appear bigger by using large pavers with clearly defined edges. When navigating how to create a garden path, you may also like to create distinct edging around your pathway. This prevents your grass from growing into the path and pebbles spilling over onto your lawn. Metal, concrete, timber or brick can all be great here. Other pathway options include raised timber decking, crushed granite or a combination of materials – think large stepping stones surrounded by smaller pebbles. Before you order your materials, ensure you have measured the area with precision. And order a surplus in case of error. weed-killer

Step 3: Prep the area

To avoid weeds growing on your walkway, we recommend using a weed killer at least two weeks before you plan to lay the path. Clear and level the area. Then dig to the appropriate depth for your chosen materials. Set up a string line and mark the outer edges so you have a guide when completing your install.

Step 4: Lay the path

Depending on your material of choice, find detailed instructions for laying pavers here and instructions for laying stepping stones here. The key points are to take your time, ask for assistance when needed and pay attention to detail. And as any responsible homeowner knows, once your pathway is constructed that hardly means the end of the work! Make sure you read up on paver maintenance to keep your pathway looking fresh well into the future. blooming-garden-pathway

Step 5: When in doubt, ask for help

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to create a garden path and have come up against an unexpected obstacle, can’t decide on the best material for your space or simply don’t know where to start, get in touch with the Rock n Soil team today. We have plenty of ideas and time-saving tips that could help you on your mission. garden-path Once you’ve figured out how to create a garden path, you might want to flex those DIY skills on another garden project. So, what’s next? As we approach summer, how about a stunning water feature with rocks? Or a garden pond? Maybe an outdoor fire pit for evening drinks with friends? Keep tabs on our how to page for more ideas and of course find everything you need on our product info page. And if there’s anything else, remember you can contact the expert team at Rock n Soil any time!