Lawn Mowing Brisbane – How to Mow Your Lawn for a Professional Look
With our Top 5 Lawn Care Tips under your belt, you know how to care for your lawn. Knowing how to mow your lawn is the other half to the lawn mowing equation. Creating a professional-looking lawn at home is a goal worth striving for. Whether you just like an immaculate look, or want to try something special by learning how to mow stripes, a professional-looking lawn will elevate the look of your entire home.
It’s all about length
The starting point is to determine the length of lawn you currently have. If your lawn is a little out of control now don’t be tempted to go all out and mow it all down at once! Each blade of grass is the ‘leaf’ through which nutrients are produced via photosynthesis. So a little length is essential so your lawn can feed itself.
Use a double-cut approach
Each type of turf has it’s own preferences, but the general rule of thumb is that your lawn should stay at around 3cm in summer and around 6cm in winter. When your lawn is a little long, it’s a good idea to use the double-cut approach. First aim to follow the golden one-third rule, and mow it first to two-third of its current height. Then give it a few days to rest, before mowing again to take another one-third off its height. Yes, it takes a little more time and effort mowing it this way but going slow to get it to a healthy length is a much better option than cutting it too short and then trying to repair it.
Sharpen those blades
Sharp blades are essential to maintain the good health of your turf – whether you have buffalo or couch – and give you a good, professional finish. Just like hairdressers only cut with sharp scissors, lawns should only be cut with sharp blades. Sharp blades mean a cleaner cut and a greatly reduced chance of shredding leaves or tearing them out from the root. This means less stress on your grass and a reduced risk of any bacteria and mould spores taking hold. Taking the times to sharpen your mower every four months through the year – or switching them out for new blades – is a key part of lawn mowing Brisbane.
Change directions
When you mow your lawn, chances are you start and finish in the same place every time and follow the same route in between. For a professional finish, change your mowing routine! When you mow every time in the same direction, the grass leaves will follow the same angle of growth. It’s better if they grow upright, for best even access to sunlight.
Don’t cut wet grass!
Finally, please don’t cut wet grass! Mowing your lawn when its wet doesn’t of itself damage your lawn. However, it creates a few situations that can cause you extra work and even put you in a little danger. It can:- Create wheel ruts in your lawn.
- Cause wet grass clippings to clump underneath your mower, which creates extra maintenance work for you.
- Put you in danger if mowing slopes, hills and even flat lawns if you find yourself slipping.