How to Landscape A Hill (or Uneven Ground) with Excellent Results
Utilise Terraces
When it comes to how to landscape a hill, terraces are one of the oldest landscaping solutions in the world. Ancient peoples have used this technique to make better use of fertile land and enable themselves to grow on hillsides for centuries. And it will work equally well in your own home garden. With this technique your goal is to create multiple level surfaces out of the hillside. You can do this in two ways.- Excavation – where you cut a series of terraces into the side of the slope.
- Infilling – where you fill in an area to make it level.

Build a Deck
Decks are a fantastic way to landscape both a hilly space, and a space with uneven ground. With this solution you can maintain or create access to views while raising above the awkward slopes in the garden. And with a deck you can create a flat, useable space that is functional, beautiful and can be designed to meet your requirements. You can choose the size, colour and type of wood that suits you best, and even do a lot of the work yourself.
Consider a Dry Creek Bed Feature
Unlike a water feature you might use in a flat area, in a hilly area you have the opportunity to create a dry creek bed feature. With this solution you would dig out a small trench in the hill and then add drainage if necessary. You’ll then want to line it with landscape fabric and use rocks and pebbles to create the appearance of a natural water feature. Along the edges you can plant ornamental grasses or flowers, or just add bigger rocks or even statutes or other design elements.
A Creeping Ground Cover
If you’re keen for a low maintenance garden, you can cover the hillside with a drought-tolerant ground cover and mulch. A creeping ground cover, such as Creeping Boobialla or Casuarina glauca ‘Cousin It’ will help you easily landscape all those hard to reach areas as well. So you won’t have to spend as much time trying to work on a steeply sloping space.
Filling in the Space
If you are working with a heavily uneven ground, but not necessarily a steep hillside, consider filling in the space with topsoil and mulch. Both of these can be used to make uneven spaces more flat, and bring a uniform look to your garden. Once your space is more even, you’ll be able to consider planting – whether it’s a full garden bed, or thoughtfully placed plants that might further even out the appearance of your garden.