ProForce Duke 100WG 100g Post-emergent Herbicide

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Regular price $170.00 inc. GST
Regular price Sale $214.95 Sale price $170.00 inc. GST
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Our ProForce Duke 100WG Herbicide contains 100g/kg of the active ingredient Iodosulfuron-methyl sodium and will be your secret weapon this season to keep the weeds at bay. Our ProForce Duke 100WG Herbicide is a dependable grass and broadleaf weed control herbicide that will keep your turf in tip-top condition all year round. It works to both suppress and kill weed varieties seeding in your turf.

Turf: Only apply to Kikuyu, buffalo grass or couchgrass (common and hybrid couchgrass NOT Queensland Blue Couch)

Broadleaf Weeds: Bindii, Black Thistle, Catsear, Cotula, Cudweed, Guildford Grass, Medic, Mouse Ear Chickweed, Oxalis, White Clover and False Onion Weeds.
Grass Weeds: Ryegrass, Wintergrass (Suppression), Bahia grass (Suppression and seedhead reduction).