close up image of the soft lush blades of TifTuf Turf

Get Your Lawn Back on Track with TifTuf Turf

If your lawn is looking less than its best after a long hot summer holiday, you may be wondering how to get it back to its lush, green self. Today we’re sharing a few suggestions for getting your lawn back on track – including introducing you to TifTuf Turf, the ‘smart grass’.

Get your lawn back on track

Looking around south-east Queensland’s lawns right now, we’re starting to see a patchwork of yellow and brown mixed in with green. We’ve already shared our tips on how to save your lawn. Here are a few reminders of the common problems your lawn may be facing during the summer heat. image of a browning lawn

Heat damage

If your lawn has gotten a little too hot over summer, and hasn’t had enough water, it will turn brown and start to die. This can be exacerbated by poor soil quality, over-mowing and heavy foot traffic. For a heat damaged lawn, the best solution is aeration and seeding – we’ve shared out tips here.

Pest or weed infestation

Summertime is a great time for pests, weeds or nut grass to thrive Depending on the particular infestation you are dealing with, the range of solutions can be fairly simple to much more complicated and time intensive. Weeds and pests can turn a previously lush green lawn into an unwelcome, unsightly image of weeds growing in a dead lawn to show the benefits of using robust turf like TifTuf Turf

Failure to thrive

Sometimes known as ‘heat dormancy’, periods of excessive heat keep your grass from growing well. Even though it may stay green, it’s growth will simply stop. You can combat this with a regular and consistent irrigation schedule and a good feed come the cooler months.

TifTuf for prevention

Having to ‘fix’ your lawn every summer is a hassle and a big time commitment. But there are things that you can do to ensure that your lawn is in the strongest position possible before weather extremes hit.

Regular feeding

A regular fertilisation schedule – in early summer and early autumn – is a great way to keep your lawn strong and robust. We recommend a good all-in-one fertiliser like our Premium Lawn Food. close up image of a sprinkler spraying water on blades of grass

Consistent irrigation

A consistent watering schedule will ensure your lawn has the right conditions to thrive through any weather. Different seasons require slightly different schedules, as do different types of turf. But in general you should aim for a thorough water early in the morning for about 15 minutes twice a week. This will encourage strong root growth.

Proper mowing

Again, how long you cut your grass depends on the time of year. In the summer months you will need to cut more often and perhaps leave the blades a bit longer to allow a little more root shade. On the other hand, the winter you will certainly have to mow less. However, getting onto the proper mowing schedule will go a long way to keeping your lawn happy and healthy throughout the year. image of the a lawn mower on the lush green blades of TifTuf Turf

Choose a turf for your environment

TifTuf Turf is a great turf for south-east Queensland lawns. It’s a relatively new turf, and has quickly become known as ‘smart grass’. TifTuf is a fine-leaf hybrid Bermuda grass which is weed, pest, disease and wear-resistant. It has superior drought and shade-tolerance qualities. The leaf density means TifTuf can cope with a lot of foot or pet traffic, while being very soft to walk on. All of this makes TifTuf Turf perfect for busy yards with children and pets, a quiet expanse in full sun, or a smaller space with dappled shade from structures, trees or other plants.

Benefits of TifTuf Turf

TifTuf Turf has all the benefits of the more widely known Sir Walter DNA Certified. And it has been specifically bred to withstand drought conditions, which means a TifTuf lawn will save you water. Watering-in newly laid turf is one of the key components to its surviving and thriving. TifTuf Turf establishes a root system in as few as seven days – which is much faster than other turf varieties. The practical impact of this is that it requires significantly less watering-in for the roots to take hold. tiff-tuff-turf

Caring for Tif Turf

We know that TifTuf Turf is hard-wearing and low maintenance. It still requires a regular lawn care routine – namely mowing and a seasonal application of fertiliser.

Mowing TifTuf Turf

If summer holidays or the busyness of life means you’re unable to mow for a few weeks, TifTuf Turf is a great grass to cope with that. If the blades have been actively growing (such as across the warmer months of the year), set your mower blades a little lower for the first mow. Your lawn won’t look its best for a few weeks after this first mow, but TifTuf will repair quickly and bounce back. For your next mow, set your blades to your preferred height, and continue your usual mowing schedule. No matter where you live and the size of your yard, TifTuf can be the perfect turf for you. At Rock’n’Soil, we have so much more than lawn care tips and recommendations. Keep an eye on our How To and Product Info pages for more helpful posts like this one. And remember you can contact the expert team at Rock’n’Soil any time – we are here to help with all your lawn and garden needs.