image of an accredited landscape supplier in a blue shirt and hat planting flowers and plants

Why Choose an Accredited Landscape Supplier

image of an accredited landscape supplier in a blue shirt and hat planting flowers and plants When you’re on the hunt for bulk landscaping supplies, it can be hard to know where to go. You might wonder if you’re getting the best quality products. And you might want assurance that the landscape supplier you’re dealing with is reputable. When you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is to check to see if the landscape supplier is accredited in the industry.

What is landscape supplier accreditation?

In Queensland, the industry body for everything landscaping is Landscape Queensland. It is through this body that landscapers, gardeners, landscaping supply yards and other relevant businesses can receive their accreditation. To receive this accreditation every business needs to go through a number of checks. These include an audit of the company’s Workplace Health and Safety standards, environmental plans and Workcover information. It also requires proof that they’re complying with rules around plans, soil and products that may harbour pests, weeds and diseases. So, there is quite a lot involved when showcasing the ‘Accredited Supplier’ logo from Landscape Queensland. And when a landscape supplier, or other landscaping business, receives accreditation, you can be sure they’re meeting all those requirements. pile of landscaping rocks against a blue sky with clouds deposited by a landscape supplier

Why does industry accreditation matter?

While the industry is partially regulated through QBCC licensing, there’s little regulation on the horticultural side. The combination of low start-up costs and access to advertising channels makes it easy for unqualified operators to come into the market and undercut professional contractors, taking work and giving the industry a bad name. Accreditation ensures that the industry is raised to a standard that values professionalism and quality.

Raise and standardise industry requirements

Industry accreditation and certification is a form of industry self-regulation. The requirements are set through significant consultation and review. These requirements for accreditation include the skills, qualifications, systems, procedures and experience that a business or individual within the landscaping industry should have. Why? Because meeting these requirements ensures that they’ll be able to operate to at least an acceptable industry standard and preferably to an industry best practice standard.

Encourages higher quality work and productivity

In addition, the requirements and standards encourage higher quality work and productivity. And, importantly, they give a goal or goals for businesses within the industry to strive for. This in turn leads to better conditions for workers as well as better experiences for customers overall.

Identifies companies you can trust

Accreditation is also an easy way for you to identify companies you can trust. These are companies that care about doing things the right way. And they are the ones that you know you can rely on to give you good customer service and high-quality products and services.

Supports government work

Using an accredited company is also great if you are working on a project for a government body that requires extra certification. For example, you may have a contract with the council to landscape a new retail sector. Having an Accredited Landscape Supplier certification will be a requirement before being awarded that work.

Raises our standard of living

The landscaping industry as a whole is directly involved in creating and maintaining our green spaces. Therefore, it has a significant effect on the liveability of our urban environments and on our quality of life.

image of a landscaper in green boots digging a hole in the dirt with a shovel

Additional accreditations

Biosecurity licence

A biosecurity licence can show you that your landscape supplier will be handling all its products with biosecurity care. As an accreditation it delves into a business’ history, quality management strategies, industry licences, environmental management, water management, transport, staffing, future plans and even sustainability. At Rock ‘N’ Soil we hold a biosecurity licence to ensure our soils/products are handled with biosecurity care. That’s because we care about the safety of staff and customers. .

So… why should you choose an Accredited Landscape Supplier?

Accreditation shows you that this business:
  • Offers a high-quality product
  • Has experienced and knowledgeable staff
  • Has staff who perform to high standards
  • Provides consistently high-quality product and service
  • Strives to maintain a high level of professionalism by all staff members
  • Has a demonstrated commitment to efficient and environmentally conscious water, environmental, and soil management
  • Adheres to all relevant legislation and industry best practice
  • Has sound business practices and strives to continually improve them

How to check if your landscape supplier is accredited

Want to check if your landscaper or landscaping supplies yard is accredited with Landscape Queensland? Look out for the special Landscape Queensland badges. You can find an example on our homepage. This homepage displays our accredited supplier logo.

Contact Rock ‘N’ Soil

Looking for more information about rocks, soils, mulches, turf and anything else landscaping-wise? It’s easy to keep in the loop by following our blog page. Remember, if you’ve got any questions, you can contact the friendly team at Rock n Soil anytime. We’re here to help!