image of fire ants to demonstrate what they look like

How to Stay Protected from Fire Ants – A Threat to Your Yard, Pets, and Family

With springtime in full swing, your backyard should be a place of relaxation, lush greenery, and vibrant blooms. But fire ants can turn this serene scene into a painful experience for you, your family, and your pets. These tiny pests may seem small and insignificant, but they are dangerously mighty and can cause serious harm to your surrounding environment. 

Native to South America, fire ants first made their way to Australia in Brisbane, Queensland, back in 2001, and have since spread across Queensland, northern New South Wales, and the Murray Darling Basin. On average, around 14 million people are stung each year, with 25,000 people needing medical attention. These ants have become a serious problem, which is why it is important to be prepared this season.

As your trusted landscaping supplier, we’re here to help you keep these pests at bay and ensure your backyard remains fire ant free.

What Are Fire Ants and What Do They Look Like?

Fire ants are small copper-brown to black in colour with a darker abdomen, ranging anywhere from 2 to 6 mm in length (rather unusual for ants). They have a stinger on their rear and a pouch of venom, ready to strike. Identifying fire ants can be a challenge for the average gardener, as they can easily be mistaken for other ant species. Size is the best indicator of species when examining nests and colonies in your yard.

Fire ants are notorious for their aggressive behaviour, especially when their nests are disturbed. While they mostly feed on live insects and dead animals, they may infiltrate your home, if fatty or sweet foods are on the menu.

fire ant

Do Fire Ant Stings Hurt?

If you’re unlucky enough to get stung, you’ll definitely know about it — a fire ant sting can be excruciatingly painful. An initial burning and itching feeling is the hallmark of a fire ant sting, progressing to the sensation that your body feels like it is ‘on fire’ (this is why they’re called fire ants).

In severe cases, symptoms can include nausea, chest pain, and even anaphylactic shock; so knowing how to identify and deal with these pests is a must for avid gardeners.

What Do Fire Ant Stings Look Like?

Once you have been stung, you’ll notice itchy bumps or welts forming. Within 24 to 48 hours, these develop into small, blister-like sores. Often times, these sores will disappear on their own within 7 to 10 days.

Fire Ant Dangers to People, Pets, and Your Yard

1. People

    Fire ants can be a major threat to anyone enjoying the outdoors, especially children. Multiple stings can lead to serious medical conditions, so knowing how to treat fire ant stings is crucial to prevent severe reactions.

    2. Pets

      Fire ant stings are particularly dangerous to dogs and cats. Pets can often disturb an ant nest without realising it, leading to painful bites. Symptoms can include hives, swelling, itchiness, and in extreme cases, allergic reactions that require immediate veterinary attention.

      3. Yard

        Fire ants don’t just harm people and pets, and the environment — they can also destroy your garden. Their nest mounds ruin the aesthetic of your yard, damage plant roots, and disrupt soil; negatively affecting the health of your carefully curated landscape. To maintain a healthy and vibrant yard, it is important to eliminate fire ants as soon as you see them.

        dog digging for fire ants

        What to Do If Stung by Fire Ants

        If you happen to get stung by fire ants, apply a cold compress such as an ice pack on and off the sting (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off) to reduce any swelling. If you don’t have ice packs, put ice in a towel and apply – do not place ice directly on your skin or use heat. Afterwards, gently wash the affected area with soap and water, and then apply antihistamine cream to relieve any itching. If you observe any symptoms relating to severe reactions, seek urgent medical advice immediately!

        ice pack on arm from fire ant bite

        If your pets happen to fall victim to these nasty bites, quickly remove them from the fire ant zone. Wear a pair of gloves to protect yourself and brush any ants off your pet’s skin or fur. A brush or comb may come in handy to ensure all ants are removed off your pet. Do not attempt to hose the ants off as this can anger them more. After careful removal, place your pet in a cool bath to provide some relief from the sting. Seek veterinary advice if your animal is in pain or showing signs of an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include drooling, vomiting, lethargy, or breathing difficulties.

        How to Spot Fire Ants in Your Yard

        Fire ant nests look like dome-shaped mounds and can be as large as 16cm high and 61cm wide. You’ll often find them in sunny, open areas like lawns, gardens, and near pathways. They can also be hidden under logs, garden materials or in hay and mulch, although this is less likely as they prefer direct sunlight. Their nests lack visible entry or exit holes but disturbing them will quickly reveal the ants’ aggressive nature as they swarm to defend their home.

        To safely check for fire ants, wear long sleeves, pants, and enclosed shoes. Use a long stick to gently poke suspected areas and watch for any ants emerging aggressively from the mound. If you suspect a fire ant infestation, report it immediately by calling 13 25 23 (National Fire Ant Eradication Program) or filling out their online form.

        fire ant mound

        How to Protect Yourself and Your Pets from Fire Ants

        1. Inspect your yard regularly. Keep a keen eye out for any fire ant mounds to catch infestations early. Pay attention to bare soil or sunny spots, as these are prime locations for fire ant nests.

        2. Create safe play zones for kids and pets. Designate fire ant-free zones in your yard where children and pets can play safely. Regularly inspect these areas and treat them with ant-repellent products if necessary.

        3. Use fire ant baits and treatments. Fire ant baits are highly effective when used correctly. Apply baits around the perimeter of your yard to prevent ants from building colonies. For active infestations, use targeted insecticides designed to eliminate fire ant colonies.

        4. Apply a fire ant barrier. Applying fire ant treatments around the perimeter of your yard can help prevent them from spreading into your space.

        5. Wear protective clothing when gardening. If you need to work in an area that may be infested, wear protective clothing to avoid being stung. Long sleeves, pants, and enclosed shoes are your best defense.

        How Do I Get Rid of Fire Ants?

        Luckily in Australia, there are two kinds of granular fire ant treatments approved for us to use:

        1. Insect growth regulator (IGR)

          IGRs are highly effective for controlling fire ant populations in your yard. These treatments contain active ingredients like pyriproxyfen or S-methoprene, which are often seen in everyday pest control products like fly sprays or flea tablets for pets. What makes these products unique is that they don’t kill the ants directly; instead, they target the queen and her ability to reproduce.

          When applied, IGRs cause the queen ant to become infertile. This means that, as the current adult worker ants die off naturally, there will be no offspring to take over. Eventually the queen is left without workers to feed her, causing the colony to die off.

          2. Fast-acting insecticide (FAI)

            FAIs are another effective weapon against fire ants, delivering a quick and targeted solution to infestations. These treatments often contain either indoxacarb or a combination of hydramethylnon and pyriproxypen. These active ingredients are commonly found in cockroach baits or flea collars.

            When applied, the worker ants consume the insecticide, spreading it throughout the colony. This kills the workers, larvae and the queen across the span of 1 to 4 weeks. If any ant activity is still evident after 5 weeks of the treatment, contact the National Fire Ant Eradication Program.

            If all else fails, consider hiring a professional pest control service to complete your fire ant elimination. They can treat your entire yard to ensure fire ants do not make a return and ruin your lawn!

            pest control man

            Staying Fire Ant-Free

            Fire ants are more than just a nuisance — they’re a serious threat to your family, pets, and yard. Regular inspections, proper treatment, and early action can help you keep these pests away.

            Now that you know how to protect your home and loved ones, you can feel confident in the knowledge that your yard can be a safe and enjoyable space for everyone.


            To protect your garden from other pests, why not use our pest identification guide or dive into some DIY garden projects to spruce up your outdoor space this Spring?

            Check out our how to and product info pages for any pointers on some fun outdoor landscaping and garden ideas. If there is anything else, get in touch with our Rock’n’Soil expert team, we would love to help you out!